Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Elmo Goes To School

Elmo is NOT just a famous character on Sesame Street! 

        In a 21st Century classroom; Elmo is a tool that displays books, photos, and or documents. Breathing life into lessons to by grasping the learner’s attention with use of a camera magnifying objects! The Elmo is a necessity as a pencil sharper is to classroom to deliver highly effective instruction. Today, we demand for learners to understand not only the purpose of what they are learning; But why it is being taught, and how is the lesson meaningful to real life applications   The ELMO empowers student writers because they are able to investigate text to identify the craft of what published authors do in their work.  You’re able look closely at exemplar text to determine the meaning of why an author may have used a specific craft. As well as what meaning does it give to their reader?  Teacher drafted examples of craft could be demonstrated to paint a picture -of the why and how- behind craft for students. More importantly, students can share how they used crafts.
Watch Elmo change the classroom:

Help Give an Elmo:
or VOTE for a one to be funded..

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